Monday, August 4, 2008

The Forgotten Basic

Nowadays there are many brands and many kinds of supplements available in the market. Most people believe these supplements are good for their health and help maintain their health fitness.

We may not need the supplements if we can get complete nutrition from each meal we consume. Our bodies need rich in nutrition diet according to the five food groups; protein, carbohydrate, vegetable, fruit and useful fat. We need high nutrition food to maintain our organs works properly not only fulfill the hunger.

However, we are now living in a world of rush and the convenience is priority. We prefer buying to cooking. We are surrounded by fast food chains. We please our month rather than our health. We prefer tasty with sweet, salty, sour and spicy food to the light and mild taste. We like fried food more than steamed and boil method.

The food we consume each day is lack of nutrition and unbalance. We consume high fat and carbohydrate food while low in fiber and vitamins. The nutrition is destroyed by the improper cooking method. Deep fried cooking method turns the rich in vitamins potato to only a fat loaf.

If we revise our eating habit we can postpone the degeneration. We can enjoy longer the youth and minimize the oldness and illness. We can look younger than others at the same age and can live healthily away from the doctor.

We need to pause and think before putting something into our months.

Let’s prefer boiled and steamed food to fried one.
Let’s prefer easy digested protein to the hard one.
Let’s prefer the light and mild food to the tasty one.
Let’s prefer pure water to the sweet and alcohol one.
Let’s prefer vegetables and fruits to meat.
Let’s prefer breakfast to dinner.

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Health is Wealth.

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