Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Soybean is a rich in nutrition diet. This small yellow bean can substitute meat and reduce many forms of disease.

Soybean is a common plain ingredient in many dishes in Asia. It provides protein equally to meat. However, instead of consuming saturated fat that usually comes with red meat, soybean has much lower fat and helps avoiding fat accumulation.

We actually should have only about a palm size of meat a day. And the rest of protein should be from plant product. To eat soybean regularly could automatically reduces the intake of meat.

The benefits of soybean are making this small yellow seed become more popular in western countries.

The advantages of soybean include helping decrease cholesterol, prevention of cancer, giving high fiber, prevention of quick change in sugar level (good for people with diabetes) ,giving protein but kidney work less as soybean is easy to be digested and also benefits people who are allergic for cow milk.

In Asia there are many soy products available in the market to cook and consume. To mention some of these soy products include soy sauce, tofu, bean-curd cheese, soybean oil and soybean milk.

The priests in China are vegetarian but they can survive without consuming meat. They get protein from many kinds of soy products. Moreover, there are other kinds of bean available that they can get protein from such as black bean, green been and red bean. Different kinds of bean also have different benefits to human body.

In China and Japan people enjoy lower the level of frighten diseases such as heart disease and cancer. The main reason contributes to their diet as the old saying "you are what you eat".

Women during menopausal period may face many difficulties both mentally and physically. The sign of menopausal could be depression, hot flashes and sleep disturbance. Many of women in this period face a quick decline in bone mass and may lead to osteroporosis. Moreover, the bone of women after this period could easily be broken.

The main reason to explain the occurrence is the estrogen deficiency. This is because estrogen hormone stimulate bone cell to build up the bone mass. As a result, when menopausal women lack of estrogen, the bone mass quickly decline.

Some physicians may consider prescribing substitute estrogen. However, it could lead to cancer promotion.

Another much safer solution to slow down the loss of bone mass is to take soybean. Soybean has isoflavone that works like estrogen hormone but no cancer promotion.

In addition, soybean also benefits men to reduce probability to get prostate cancer.

To fully gain the benefits from soybean, the regularity and quantity intake is essential.

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Health is Wealth.

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